All posts by galvan


We provide galvanization in weakly acidic and alkaline electrolyte. These electrolytes are in these days most popular technologies of galvanizing. They provide a high gloss surface with a thin and ductile layer.

GALVAN CZ s.r.o. performs galvanizing without passivation or with blue, thick-film or yellow passivation. All passivations are CrVI-free and are based on CrIII solutions. For all types of finishes we offer different kinds of sealings and top-coats.

Zinc plating is performed on a computer-controlled automatic lines with traceability of all parameters of the plating process.


Maximum dimensions of parts up to:

Line Z1   1800 mm x 300 mm x 1050 mm

Line Z3   2000 mm x 500 mm x 950 mm


Barrel plating maximum capacity is 80 kg per one barrel.

Maximum dimensions of parts up to 150 mm and a weight of approximately 0.3 kg

Coating thickness

Standard thickness of zinc coating is 8-15 µm. We adjust thickness according to customer requirements, but only up to 35 µm.

Suitable materials

Iron, steel and cast iron products are suitable for galvanizing. The quality of the input material fundamentally affect the appearance of plated parts.

Zinc coating passivations

In order to improve the corrosion resistance the zinc layer is passivated with one of the Cr3+ passivations.

Thin-layer passivation Cr3+: (blue) 0.08-0.1 µm on zinc layer. It is used for parts that are less exposed to corrosion.

Thick-layer passivation Cr3+: (slightly iridescent appearance) 0.2-0.3 µm on zinc layer. Higher corrosion resistance comparable to yellow chromate. The advantage is that it doesn’t contain Cr6+, but it doesn’t have the self-repairable effect in case of passivation is eroded. It is used as a substitute for yellow chromate.

Yellow chromate Cr3+: (yellow, rainbow like appearance) 0.2-0.5 µm on the zinc layer. Higher corrosion resistance.

The organic and mineral organic sealing

To improve the corrosion resistance, sealing can be used as a next step of surface treatment. The sealer is applied in a 2-4 µm layer. If this sealer is applied on thin- or thick-layer passivation, after drying out, it creates a transparent organic film. This film increases not only the corrosion protection, but also abrasion resistance. On yellow chromated sealer coatings it suppresses iridescent appearance and gains uniform yellowish hue.

For surface treatment we use chemicals from suppliers Schlötter, Atotech, Coventya and Kiesow.


Requirements for surface treatment are set out in the relevant ISO-DIN standards. GALVAN CZ s.r.o. performs metal surfacing according to global standards for automotive engineering or according to customer specifications.


The price depends on used technology, area of processed parts,  weight of one part, annual quantity and total volume of orders. For more information contact us:



Phosphating is a coating method which creates the insoluble phosphate layer on the surface of product. The crystalline layer is electrically nonconductive and insoluble in water or organic solvents. It has very good cohesiveness with base metal and it is suitable as an undercoat layer before painting and coating application. Phosphating protects from corrosion if products are additionally treated with oil, wax or other way. It also facilitates cold pressing.

Effects of phosphate coating

Corrosion protection of steel components in combination with impregnation by oil, grease or wax.

Friction reduction during cold pressing of steel items. Hot reactive soap application is part of the process preparation.

Friction reduction during running-in of steel shafts, sprockets, bearings, etc.

Improved coating adhesion to the metal surface and corrosion prevention when damage coating is damaged.

Phosphate coating technology

Currently we these phosphating technologies:

  • rack phosphating
  • barrel phosphating
  • phosphating in baskets

Types of offered phosphates:

Manganese phosphate coating is mainly used for coating of rotating gears, because it facilitates the running-in of rotating mechanical parts and reduces towing friction.

Thick-layer zinc phosphate for cold forming with desired sliding properties or for preservation.

Thin-layer zinc phosphate for further assembly.

Thin-layer zinc phosphate for further painting.

Due to the quality that our customers demand, we use the phosphating and subsequent impregnation by Henkel products.

Projekty s podporou EU

Vážení obchodní přátelé,

Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že naše společnost realizovala důležitý projekt  výměny strojního vybavení, který byl spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Podrobnosti projektu:


registrační číslo projektu: CZ.01.3.10/0.0/0.0/18 183/0017288



Pořízení a implementace komplexního podnikového informačního systému.




Projekt EU

X-Ray measurements of coating thickness

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about the purchase of a new FISCHERSCOPE® X-RAY XDL 230 X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer for measuring zinc coating thickness from the manufacturer FISCHER.

With X-rays, we are able to very precisely measure the thickness of the zinc plating layer and also measure the parameters of functional spas.

For more information, contact us at 



The company GALVAN CZ s.r.o. performs surface treatment by wet low-pressure manual painting of metal materials.

The surface for painting is prepared by blasting or phosphating. Polymerization chamber furnaces are part of the painting technology.

Painting takes place in painting boxes measuring 6 x 4 x 3.5 m. The company GALVAN CZ s.r.o. specializes in the following types of protective coatings:

Xylan® from PPG Whitford – painting with technical plastics XYLAN PTFE.

MOS2 – sliding coatings based on molybdenum sulfate. We use Ever-Slik® by Everlube® Products Curtiss Wright.

Intertherm 3070 Epoxy Protective Coatings – Two component phenolic epoxy, designed specifically for the subsea market. Novolac with excellent resistance to high temperatures and compatibility with cathodic protection.

We also use PPG’s PHENGUARD™ 780, which is a two-component, high strength, amine adduct cured novolac phenolic epoxy primer.

The painting process is inspected by FROSIO LVL III, so our services are of the highest quality.

Technical coatings are widely used in the automotive, chemical, food, mining, plastic or paper industries.

The main advantages of technical coatings:

corrosion resistance,
abrasion resistance,
Improvement of mechanical properties,
Resistance to high temperatures,
Chemical resistance,
Extending the life of parts.

Examples of specifications used:

X-004022 (Everslik 1201/1301)
C81000 (Red XYLAN)
C81001 (XYLAN Green)
C81005 (yellow XYLAN)
C81006 (Orange XYLAN)
C81007/C81015 (Black XYLAN)
C80400 (Phosphating)
Everslik (Black / Grey)
Epoxy paints (color according to customer requirements).

Surface roughness measurement

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about the purchase of the MarSurt PS 10 device for measuring surface roughness from the manufacturer INSIZE.

The device enables the measurement of roughness in accordance with the ISO 8503-4 standard.

The standard output of the measurement is the Ra, Rz values as well as the graph curves.

For more information, contact us at

Friction measurement

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about the purchase of a device for measuring the coefficient of friction according to the ISO 16047 standard from the manufacturer TesT GmbH.

The device enables friction measurement on M6 to M24 size screws.

The standard measurement output is a certificate including the measurement results and the graph curve.

For more information, please contact us at  



FROSIO Inspection

Dear customers,

In January 2023, we received FROSIO’s highest certification at LEVEL III according to the Norwegian standard NS 476.

Now, thanks to FROSIO’s in-house inspector, we offer our customers services at a higher technical level in the field of wet painting.

Simultaneously with the FROSIO inspection, we perform coatings according to the specifications: NORSOK M-501, X-004022, C81000, C81001, C81005, C81006, C81007, C81015, C80400, Xylan, Everslik, Epoxid.

For more information, contact us at