General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions are available in Czech language only and can be downloaded on this page.
Job offer – 2025
We are happy to hire people for our team who are interested in working with surface treatment. Please send your CV and contact information to Thank you in advance!
Projekty s podporou EU
Vážení obchodní přátelé, Rádi bychom Vás informovali, že naše společnost realizovala důležitý projekt výměny strojního vybavení, který byl spolufinancován Evropskou unií. Podrobnosti projektu: VÝMĚNA STROJNÍHO VYBAVENÍ SPOLEČNOSTI GALVAN CZ S.R.O. registrační číslo projektu: CZ.01.3.10/0.0/0.0/18 183/0017288 Pořízení a implementace komplexního podnikového informačního systému. GALVAN_publicita_NPO GALVAN_publicita_NPO Projekt EU
(CZ) Nenech to být
Sorry, this entry is only available in CZ.
X-Ray measurements of coating thickness
Dear customers, We would like to inform you about the purchase of a new FISCHERSCOPE® X-RAY XDL 230 X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer for measuring zinc coating thickness from the manufacturer FISCHER. With X-rays, we are able to very precisely measure the thickness of the zinc plating layer and also measure the parameters of functional spas. For…
Surface roughness measurement
Dear customers, We would like to inform you about the purchase of the MarSurt PS 10 device for measuring surface roughness from the manufacturer INSIZE. The device enables the measurement of roughness in accordance with the ISO 8503-4 standard. The standard output of the measurement is the Ra, Rz values as well as the graph…
Friction measurement
Dear customers, We would like to inform you about the purchase of a device for measuring the coefficient of friction according to the ISO 16047 standard from the manufacturer TesT GmbH. The device enables friction measurement on M6 to M24 size screws. The standard measurement output is a certificate including the measurement results and the…
FROSIO Inspection
Dear customers, In January 2023, we received FROSIO’s highest certification at LEVEL III according to the Norwegian standard NS 476. Now, thanks to FROSIO’s in-house inspector, we offer our customers services at a higher technical level in the field of wet painting. Simultaneously with the FROSIO inspection, we perform coatings according to the specifications: NORSOK…
(CZ) Projekt – Efektivní hromadné bubnové zinkování
Sorry, this entry is only available in CZ.
Production continues
In this difficult situation we continue the production without restrictions! Galvanic plating in barrel operates on 4 shifts. Galvanic plating on rack and phosphating works on 3 shifts. We look forward to our cooperation and wish you a good health! TEAM GALVAN CZ s.r.o.